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A Communication Course is the Most Underestimated Gift

Updated: May 28, 2021

Communicating well is not only a matter of content, as it also largely concerns the way we communicate.

It is the HOW over the WHAT.

When we feel awkward in our communication process, this translates, for example, into difficulty in getting a sensitive message across or even in expressing a basic need.

What is one of the biggest things that can mess up relationships? The wrong kind of communication - or a complete lack of it.

This is true for intimate relationships, as well as family dynamics. I can help you with both through the 6-week Communication Course.

Communication patterns with intimate partners

Let’s talk about intimate partners. Have you been in a relationship (or are you in one) where you:

  • Were always in conflict or arguing

  • Were trying to convince the other person that you’re right

  • Didn’t know how to have hard conversations without one of you shutting down, or getting defensive

  • Felt like you couldn’t tell your partner things

  • Didn’t feel understood

  • Felt like they, or you, were hiding things

  • Had fears & insecurities about the relationship, but would never your partner

  • Just felt like you didn’t (or don’t) talk about things

Communication patterns with family

Now, let’s talk about family communication. Have you had this happen (or is it happening):

  • You constantly get into fights about your lifestyle

  • You’re frustrated that you can’t talk about certain things with them

  • You feel like they’re always trying to tell you what to do

  • You feel disconnected from them

  • You feel they never listen & misunderstand you

Learn loving, mindful, emphatic in this Communication Course

If you didn’t check ‘yes’ to any of the situations above, I would be incredibly surprised. The key to relationship harmony and beauty isn’t having the same worldview, always being right, or appearing good on social media. It’s about effective communication.

Loving, mindful, emphatic communication that you can learn in our communication course.

If you are looking for support to communicate better, it is probably because you do not know how to deal with an unfulfilling or unhealthy communication situation that keeps repeating itself over time.

My communication training is designed to help you find inner resources to promote change. You will develop assertiveness, manage strong emotional situations, prevent them from degenerating into conflicts, and so much more!

Dive into a 6-week communication course

That’s exactly what you learn in our 6-week Communication Course for couples and individuals.

Techniques and tools to show up in your relationships and your life fully expressed from your heart. We look at what is holding you back from speaking your truth & how to navigate challenging situations.

We also explore the differences between masculine & feminine communication. Even if only you do this course, this will have powerful effects on your partnership or family dynamics.

If you were to do this Communication Course with your partner - WOW - it’d be transformational.

I speak from experience. I have the most incredible relationships with my partner, friends, family, and students. I owe so much of that to how I communicate. If you can’t take the live course, you can also take the recorded version.

Mastering this skill will change your life. The sooner you will work on this, the more you will make out of your own life and that of the people around you.

Take the leap with me in this 6-week Art of Communication course.

Communication Course

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